Source code for tssearch.utils.visualisation

import numpy as np
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from matplotlib.collections import LineCollection

# Visualisation
[docs]def plot_alignment(ref_signal, estimated_signal, path, **kwargs): """ This functions plots the resulted alignment of two sequences given the path calculated by the Dynamic Time Warping algorithm. :param ref_signal: (array-like) The reference sequence. :param estimated_signal: (array-like) The estimated sequence. :param path: (array-like) A 2D array congaing the path resulted from the algorithm :param \**kwargs: See below: * *offset* (``double``) -- The offset used to move the reference signal to an upper position for visualization purposes. (default: ``2``) * *linewidths* (``list``) -- A list containing the linewidth for the reference, estimated and connection plots, respectively. (default: ``[3, 3, 0.5]``) * *step* (``int``) -- The step for (default: ``2``) * *colors* (``list``) -- A list containing the colors for the reference, estimated and connection plots, respectively. (default: ``[sns.color_palette()[0], sns.color_palette()[1], 'k']``) """ step = kwargs.get("step", 2) hoffset = kwargs.get("hoffset", 0) voffset = kwargs.get("offset", 2) linewidths = kwargs.get("linewidths", [3, 3, 0.5]) colors = kwargs.get("colors", [sns.color_palette()[0], sns.color_palette()[1], "k"]) copy_ref = np.copy(ref_signal) # This prevents unexpected changes in the reference signal after the duplicate copy_ref += voffset * np.max(ref_signal) # Set an offset for visualization xref = np.arange(len(copy_ref)) + hoffset # Actual plot occurs here plt.plot(xref, copy_ref, color=sns.color_palette()[0], lw=linewidths[0], label="reference") plt.plot(estimated_signal, color=sns.color_palette()[1], lw=linewidths[1], label="estimate") plt.legend(fontsize=17) [ plt.plot( [[path[0][i] + hoffset], [path[1][i]]], [copy_ref[path[0][i]], estimated_signal[path[1][i]]], color=colors[2], lw=linewidths[2], ) for i in range(len(path[0]))[::step] ]
[docs]def plot_costmatrix(matrix, path): """ This functions overlays the optimal warping path and the cost matrices :param matrix: (ndarray-like) The cost matrix (local cost or accumulated) :param path: (ndarray-like) The optimal warping path :return: (void) Plots the optimal warping path with an overlay of the cost matrix. """ plt.imshow(matrix.T, cmap="viridis", origin="lower", interpolation="None") plt.colorbar() plt.plot(path[0], path[1], "w.-") plt.xlim((-0.5, matrix.shape[0] - 0.5)) plt.ylim((-0.5, matrix.shape[1] - 0.5))
[docs]def plot_search_distance_result(res, sequence, ts=None, cmap_name="viridis"): if ts is None: ts = np.arange(len(sequence)) # set distance scale cmap = colors = cmap(np.arange(cmap.N)) if len(np.shape(sequence)) > 1: sequence_shape = np.shape(sequence)[1] else: sequence_shape = 1 all_axs = [] for k in res.keys(): max_dist = np.max(res[k]["path_dist"]) min_dist = np.min(res[k]["path_dist"]) if max_dist == min_dist: max_dist += 1 min_dist -= 1 delta_dist = max_dist - min_dist fig, axs = plt.subplots(sequence_shape + 1, 1, figsize=(15, 5)) axs[0].set_title(k) for i in range(sequence_shape): plot_seq = sequence if sequence_shape == 1 else sequence[:, i] axs[i].plot(ts, plot_seq, "lightgray") for s, e, d in zip(res[k]["start"], res[k]["end"], res[k]["path_dist"]): d_idx = int((d - min_dist) * cmap.N / delta_dist) - 1 axs[i].plot(ts[np.arange(s, e)], plot_seq[s:e], c=colors[d_idx]) if i < sequence_shape - 2: axs[i].sharex(axs[i + 1]) axs[i].set_xticks([]) # [axs[i-1].sharex(axs[i]) for i in range(1, sequence_shape)] axs[sequence_shape].set_xlabel("Distance") axs[sequence_shape].imshow([colors], extent=[min_dist, max_dist, 0, 0.02 * delta_dist]) axs[sequence_shape].set_yticks([]) all_axs += [axs] return all_axs
[docs]def plot_weight_query(x, query, weight, cmap="viridis", axs=None, fig=None): points = np.array([x, query]).T.reshape(-1, 1, 2) segments = np.concatenate([points[:-1], points[1:]], axis=1) if axs is None: fig = plt.figure() axs = plt.subplot() lc = LineCollection(segments, cmap=cmap, norm=plt.Normalize(0, weight.max())) lc.set_array(weight) lc.set_linewidth(2) line = axs.add_collection(lc) cbar = fig.colorbar(line, ax=axs) cbar.set_label("weight") axs.set_xlim(x.min(), x.max()) axs.set_ylim(query.min() - 1, query.max() + 1)