Source code for tssearch.utils.add_personal_distance

import importlib
import inspect
import json
import os
import sys
import warnings
from inspect import getmembers, isfunction

from tssearch.utils.distances_settings import load_json

[docs]def add_distance_json(distances_path, json_path): """Adds new distance to features.json. Parameters ---------- distances_path: string Personal Python module directory containing new distances implementation. json_path: string Personal .json file directory containing existing disatnces from TSSEARCH. New customised distances will be added to file in this directory. """ sys.path.append(distances_path[: -len(distances_path.split(os.sep)[-1]) - 1]) exec("import " + distances_path.split(os.sep)[-1][:-3]) # Reload module containing the new features importlib.reload(sys.modules[distances_path.split(os.sep)[-1][:-3]]) exec("import " + distances_path.split(os.sep)[-1][:-3] + " as pymodule") # Functions from module containing the new features functions_list = [o for o in getmembers(locals()["pymodule"]) if isfunction(o[1])] function_names = [fname[0] for fname in functions_list] # Check if @set_domain was declared on features module vset_domain = False for fname, f in list(locals()["pymodule"].__dict__.items()): if getattr(f, "domain", None) is not None: vset_domain = True # Access to personal features.json feat_json = load_json(json_path) # Assign domain and tag domain = getattr(f, "domain", None) # Feature specifications # Description if f.__doc__ is not None: descrip = f.__doc__.split("\n")[0] else: descrip = "" # Feature usage use = "yes" # Feature function arguments args_name = inspect.getfullargspec(f)[0] # Access feature parameters if args_name != "": # Retrieve default values of arguments spec = inspect.getfullargspec(f) defaults = dict(zip(spec.args[::-1], (spec.defaults or ())[::-1])) defaults.update(spec.kwonlydefaults or {}) for p in args_name[1:]: if p not in list(defaults.keys()): defaults[p] = None if len(defaults) == 0: defaults = "" else: defaults = "" # Settings of new feature new_feature = {"description": descrip, "parameters": defaults, "function": fname, "use": use} # Check if domain exists try: feat_json[domain][fname] = new_feature except KeyError: feat_json[domain] = {fname: new_feature} # Write new feature on json file with open(json_path, "w") as fout: json.dump(feat_json, fout, indent=" ") print("Feature " + str(fname) + " was added.") if vset_domain is False: warnings.warn("No features were added. Please declare @set_domain.", stacklevel=2)